There are several ways to access video from our bee project, depending on whether you want to view live or recorded videos

Live Video

1. For invited guests we are providing direct access to our video recording system over the internet. This means you can login 24 hours a day and the latest live video feed from our 4 main cameras. You can see inside the nest and at the entrance, so you can see how busy the bees are.

You will have been sent a username and password to access the system, or you can request one from me using the contact form.

Log-in to our CCTV system here

This video gives you instructions on how to use the system:

2. For anyone else on the internet we are providing a "TV" channel via "livestream".

At certain times of day we will broadcast live images from our cameras. At other times, we will play "action replays". We are not providing full 24x7 streaming on this channel because it would eat up too much of our broadband allowance (which is supposedly "unlimited" but in reality it is not and I've previously had usage warnings). 

There is also access to some recorded material on our livestream TV channel

Watch live streaming video from beebox at



Recorded Video

We are amassing a fairly large archive of video, some of which is being loaded onto youtube as we go. We're trying to load up the footage that is the most interesting and educational - for example, showing bee behaviour in the wild. These are the things we read about when getting started but did not necessarily find video about; so we are trying to fill that gap (a little, anyway).

You'll find these videos on nik's youtube stream or by searching directly on youtube with the tag "beejuu" (which will omit other videos that are not about the bees).