Keeping a close eye (in more ways than one)
/I'm pleased to say over the weekend I pretty much mastered control of, which enables us to make live broadcasts from the cameras in the garden. I also ordered a 4-channel Digital Video Recorder from eBay over the weekend, which will allow control, recording and broadcast of 4 cameras simultaneously. I'll leave the full technical details of the set up till a later post.
There was also plenty of activity from the bee hive. They are obviously multiplying in numbers and the unusually warm weather continues. There were still active bees today at 9pm, even though the light has pretty much gone by then! Mind you, with a field full of (we think) broad beans flowering, who can blame them!?
The other main activity was nursing our less-able-bodied little bee, who my neice Chloe has named Holly. Holly is missing a leg and a wing and has a crooked body - which appears to be the result more of a birth defect rather than an injury. And she is so incredible small (and imperfectly formed) it suggests she may have been premature.
After several attempts to put her back in the hive and finding her crawling on the ground outside (and looking increasingly dishevelled) we decided that was a bad thing - she could barely walk and was probably getting trampled inside the nest; and probably having difficulty feeding.
So now, she is in our high dependency ward - an ice cream tub!
Holly's high-dependency ward
She has flowers and moss and honey water and pollen - which is pretty much all she needs. And lots of space. We keep her indoors overnight for warmth but put her back on top of the nest during the day (in her tub). There's not much else we can do except give her the least traumatic life we can, given that she is unable to fulfil her natural role. It gives us a chance to study her too and I have been able to take some macro photographs.
Holly, starting to regain some strength