Expanding on the Expanding foam

It was a great day again on Sunday so I took the opportunity to wield the expanding foam again. The plan was to do two things:


  • modify our "triple 3-into-1 tube" set of fake entrances to be covered in moss and look more realistic - with the entrance holes much more vertical standing so they can be seen easily from above. 
  • create an additional nest site from an old poster tube - the idea was to site this amongst the longer grass where the bumblebees have been nest searching, to make it look like a mossy embankment. 


It was all very easy - I've documented the steps in pictures below.

First i made a cardboard base for the "nest tube" and covered it in "bin bag" plastic. The plastic will go face down, to stop the cardboard getting damp and rotting. The top side will be protected by the expanding foam. 


I separated the two ends of tube by packing it with moss and a little hamster bedding. To create a slightly different environment, favoured by different species of bumbles I put a little more bedding in one end and stones in the other. 
contents of one end of the tube
As an extra precaution I fed 10mm tubing into the end of the pipe, to create extra ventilation (and potentially an inspection pathway). 
ventilation & access tube
I stuck the pipe to the base with gaffer tape. As ever I included a thermometer, down into the centre of the tube. Soft drink bottle bases cover the ends. It ended up looking like some kind of crazy bomb. I can assure you it's perfectly safe. ☺
assembled nest tube, with thermometer, before foam is added
Next the fun (and messy bit) - cover the tube in expanding foam. As is started to dry (about 15 minutes) I spray painted it dark brown (mud / earth colour). Looks like a nice cake! ☺
nest tube covered in expanding foam
As it continued to dry, but still a little tacky, I covered in moss, collected earlier in the week. 
moss layer completed
The placed amongst the longer grass. Not sure how I can make it any more real than this, other than actually digging up the lawn! The dark patch on the right hand side is of particular interest. 
final site of nest tube in long grass

Next, the same trick for our "3 into 1" tubing, which goes to a nest box. I made a cardboard wedge from an old box and waterproofed the same way. Note, I poked drain holes along the tubes. 


3-way tube being prepped for foam
Then the foam, as before. The two uppermost pipes are fake.. they are blocked off - just there for additional effect. 
foam added
Again, spray painted brown, then the moss added while tacky.
triple tube, covered in moss..
Here's a view of the two systems in place along the central line we have created down the garden. Bumblebees like to navigate along linear features, often edges (e.g. gravel / grass edge, or crop edge). Our flags and long grass creates the linear feature (and actually shows some signs of working!).
tubes in situ, leading to small nest box
Close up of the 3-into-1 tubes. We are experimenting with one yellow entrance. We do not really expect interest in this, because the Queens tend to think it is a flower, not a hole. But the experiment will see how rigidly they stick to this basic understanding. You can see the nestbox that the tubes lead to. 
close up. 
Finally a view of the entire feature.
full setup - with clear linear featureOur next job will be to simplify the clutter along the left of the picture - the edge is not sufficiently defined and we think the plants (mainly heather) are too close to the nest areas. We'll move them to the cloche area and again try to create a strong linear feature along the lawn edge.
BCW saw 3or 4 queens nest searching in the garden today. They had slightly improved interest in our setup, but not enough to fully explore any of the entrances. We'll get there!

Going crazy with expanding foam again!

Here's how I made a shelter for our forthcoming Koppert Bumble Beehive box.

For farmers Koppert recommend a simple sheet of polystyrene foam with a brick on top to hold it down - but to me this seems a bit cheap and cheerful and not necessarily well engineered against bad wind and rain. So, I wanted to do something a bit more creative and potentially robust. 

Having quite successfully made my fake "grass hummock" last week out of expanding foam I decided I could use a similar system to create a protective cover for the new beebox nest. I've been thinking about the design for quite a number of days and it seemed this would be simple and fairly cheap to do. I don't have any wood-working or metal-working equipment (or skills!), so this is a simple solution; even a child could do it. 

However, the structure needs to be more robust than the pure foam structure I created for the "hummock" - as it pretty much rests directly on top of the existing box. However, this structure cannot rest on the box; but more importantly, it must be very resistant to weather - especially the wind which can be very strong here. It would be a complete disaster if it was able to blow over. So, some requirements for this:

  1. enough strength to support being weighted down - e.g. with bricks
  2. ability to mount some brackets, which is necessary can be fixed to the garage wall
  3. overall enough structural strength to hold together even if flexed and blow about

My solution is actually to build a skeleton within the structure with some chicken wire; line this with plastic to ensure excellent waterprooofing; and then apply the foam to this structure to create the overall shelter. 

The steps are outlined below. 

step 1 - measuring out the chicken wireThe chicken-wire is easy to work with - I just measured it to twice the size I needed. 

step 2 - heavy duty plastic folded into the chicken wireThen folded the wire with some heavy duty plastic (you could cut up a bin bag) sandwiched between.

step 3 - creating a folded template over an existing boxThen I folded this over a box that I had checked, double-checked and triple-checked was big enough to cover for the size of the beebox PLUS the bricks it will sit on PLUS room to open/shut the bee entrance control PLUS an overhang to provide shade over the front of the box. It pays to do the arithmetic up front!

step 4 - applying expanding foam to the structureThis actually took two large cans of expanding foam. It's quite tricky to do the sides as it can drop off - so you have to be patient and work in small blobs. That's why the surface looks the way it does. 

Notice also the brackets that are wound into the chicken wire. These provide a future option to tether the shelter to the garage wall if needed. 

step 5 - painting in a light stone colourThen I painted the shelter with some cans of plastic spray paint. Really quick and easy to do. We chose quite a light stone colour which blends against the garage fairly well. 

step 6 - cover installed in location with a "test box" underneath on greased bricksThe greased bricks are to keep the beebox off the ground and prevent ants and insects from being able to crawl up into it. For this reason the beebox should touch any plants or other objects. We also have an ant-trap right next to it. 

I'm testing the shelter for a few days with an empty box inside. If it remains there safely through any blustery weather, I'll be happy. So far so good. For now the shelter is held down with two bricks on the purpose designed "feet". It's actually very stable like that.

view of the box cover with the video camera mounted about itI've also mounted a video camera over the box. At this stage I don't know if it will be possible to get a camera inside the koppert box, so we've put a camera over it. We'll put plants and pollen on top of the shelter that will attract the bees and we'll be able to see them going in and out of the entrance. The camera is all set up and tested and we can view it on the main TV in the house. 

Faking It

Today's bee activities we are a bit unplanned. We had a "non-bee" day yesterday as we were away on Easter day, so took the day off, so to speak. Today we had some things in the garden to sort out, so were only planning a small bee search later in the afternoon.

We are particularly looking for Carder bees, as we read they are less fussy about the nest conditions; and now is the time to be finding them. We went out to the usual place but we were seeing very few bees. At about 5pm it was about 13 degrees in the shade, 16 degrees in the sun. Quite a blustery windchill factor and it just seemed like it was not a "bee day".

On the return journey we did see a few bees - all in all, 2 carder bees (which were impossible to catch), one smaller bee (possibly a carder worker), two redtails (one feeding on the crop in the field, the other mooching about the grass) and a bufftail. I managed to catch the bufftail (BB29). We took her to the front box, but she took 20 minutes to go in and then only stayed in the box about 20 minutes before leaving; to be expected really. 

Nest Enhancements

 Today I had some leftover expanding foam from another DIY job, so right there and then I decided to make a fake protective "hummock" for the rear nest box. I'd been thinking of something like this for some time as a way to protect from the heat of the sun as well as rain, but also to try and provide more of that convincing "underground" sensation.

So, you may be wondering how a grassy hummock counts as underground? Well, although it is over-ground in terms of the ground around it, I'm banking (no pun intended) on the fact that if it's sufficiently realistic, then it will seem like it is properly in the ground, i.e. surrounded by earth; and that if the bee enters and feels like they are heading downwards to the nest area, then it will prove sufficiently convincing. Anyway, given that it cost under a tenner to make, it seemed worth a try. There's a great BBC video that shows bees active inside their nest and when you look at how they've made the film it looks like they might have done exactly the same thing as me (albeit to a higher standard).  

expanding foam over nest box to create mould.  First I covered the existing box in plastic and used it as a mould to spray the foam over. 

box used as mould for expanding foamOnce the foam had dried (about 40 mins) I painted it with spray on "plastic paint". This is designed for painting plastic surfaces and it dries very quickly (touch-dry within 10 minutes). 

foam sprayed greenThe green is unfortunately very lurid! But that was the choice i was stuck with. So I also bought some brown paint that looked a muddy colour. In fact, since we have regularly seen bees nest-searching in muddy bank and have even located a real nest in a muddy hole in the ground, this seemed like a reasonable addition.

"mud" colour added to the constructionIt's starting to look a lot more realistic now - and look at all those lovely nooks and crannies for bees to explore! After this step had dried, I trimmed off the excess plastic sheet from underneath and also sprayed the underside green. 

Once the "hummock" is in place, it is covered in bits of grass and straw and plants in order to help it blend in. 

completed hummock (rear view)completed box in situ - front bee's-eye viewAs part of this modification we also changed the internal box material again today. Although we recently added some field hay, we've done a u-turn on this and decided to go with moss instead - this is reported as being favourable in general and something Carder bees like in particular as they are able to work it well; and will even bring moss to the box if they need to. 

 Future options

The expanding foam is surprisingly easy and quick to work with - I'd pretty much completed the above project within an hour. The problem is, I've left it a bit late for this year's nesting queens, so really I now need to start thinking about next year.

I'm already formulating some ideas, which could include a complete false embankment along our back fence with multiple embedded nest boxes, as well as different types and sizes of holes and cavities. With such a set up, we could run a big experiment with multiple nests to figure out what really works best. With enough preparation time I could kit it out with all the technology I need: thermometers, infra-red, video cameras, microphones etc. 

And if you want to hire me for any futuristic set-building in future, give me a call ;-)